Kimberly Dean
date: July, 2014
Contemporary Romance
It’s time for this identical
triplet to meet her match.
Can a wild child ever really be
tamed? Growing up in foster care has made Roxie Cannon tough and self-reliant,
but being alone isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. She’s finally found her
sisters. Is it time she met her match?
Roxie should be on top of the
world. She’s formed bonds with identical sisters she never knew she had, and
she’s buying the biker bar she’s managed for years. The feisty brunette has
everything she’s ever wanted. Almost. Two things still elude her: answers to
why her family was split apart and a man of her own to love. Seeing her sisters
with their soulmates has made her aware she’s still the odd one out. Yet that
all starts to change when a rough-and-tumble hottie from her past walks in The
Ruckus’ door, wanting a second chance.
Billy knows trouble when he sees
it, and Roxie is commotion in motion. They’ve always set sparks off one
another. This time, he’s promised himself he won’t get burned. Yet things get
serious when he learns of Roxie’s quest to find her parents. Can he save his
hot-blooded lover from being hurt? Or will the wounded little girl inside her
never trust him again?
An Excerpt From: ROXIE
© Copyright KIMBERLY DEAN,
Roxie’s heels
clomped across the hardwood floor until she stood directly between the two of
them. Thrusting out her empty coffee cup, she looked at him sternly. “Don’t try
to charm my sisters.”
“I’m not trying,
baby, I am charming.” He let one
eyebrow lift, but freshened her cup anyway.
“They have
Their gazes met
in silent challenge, but there was something more in her eyes… a kind of fear…
Billy paused. He
knew her well. To some, she might seem tough and rowdy, but there was an
insecure side to her, too. Every foster care kid had one.
“I know which
one is you, Roxie,” he said, for her ears only. He wouldn’t play on that fear,
no matter what happened between them. “I’m not looking to upgrade.”
Her gaze dropped
to her cup of coffee, but instead of drinking it, she ran her finger around the
lip of the cup.
“Believe me, I
know which one runs on high octane fuel,” he said softly.
round-and-round motion hitched, and her gaze lifted. Her eyes were big and
brown, and he saw how her pupils dilated. Desire set inside him like a racer
wanting the checkered flag. That little romp last night hadn’t been nearly
enough to keep him going. He’d been running on fumes for too long.
And last night
had been different. It had just been… more.
In the wee hours
of the darkness, she hadn’t been able to keep her emotions locked down so
tight. The sex between them had always been hot, but the way they’d touched
only hours ago? It had been more like in the beginning, when the need to
connect had been overpowering.
“Want to go back
upstairs and wake each other up properly?” he asked.
Her fingers
tightened around her mug, and her teeth sunk into her lower lip. She leaned
forward over the bar. She had him poised, holding his breath, but then she
pulled back with her long hair swinging. “I can’t.”
She took a deep
breath, and his gaze dropped to the clingy top she wore.
“You can. You
really can.”
She glanced over
her shoulder. Seeing they were being watched, she flicked a finger at the donut
box, opening it. “I can’t leave my sisters,” she said as she plucked out a
chocolate treat.
She left him
feeling hungry as she walked back to the table, hips swaying.
Billy didn’t
know if the growl that came out of him originated in his throat or in his
belly. Following her lead, he grabbed a bear claw.
At least she
hadn’t been running away this morning; she’d been running to something.
He looked over
all the pretty dark heads.
the Author:
Kimberly Dean is an award-winning
romance author. She has written for Black Lace Books, Red Sage Publishing,
Ellora’s Cave, Avon Red, Pocket Books, Samhain and Mischief Books. She enjoys
the freedom and creativity allowed in writing romance, especially with all the
interesting cross-genres that have been exploding on the scene. Yet she still
believes that a good contemporary romance can save a bad day. When not writing,
she enjoys movies, sports, traveling, music, and sunshine.