Title: Vicious by V.E. Schwab
Publication Date: September 24th, 2013
Paperback/Hardcover: 364
Genre: Young Adult, Fantasy
Find it at: Goodreads / Bookdepository
Publication Date: September 24th, 2013
Paperback/Hardcover: 364
Genre: Young Adult, Fantasy
Find it at: Goodreads / Bookdepository
Victor and Eli started out as college roommates—brilliant, arrogant, lonely boys who recognized the same sharpness and ambition in each other. In their senior year, a shared research interest in adrenaline, near-death experiences, and seemingly supernatural events reveals an intriguing possibility: that under the right conditions, someone could develop extraordinary abilities. But when their thesis moves from the academic to the experimental, things go horribly wrong. Ten years later, Victor breaks out of prison, determined to catch up to his old friend (now foe), aided by a young girl whose reserved nature obscures a stunning ability. Meanwhile, Eli is on a mission to eradicate every other super-powered person that he can find—aside from his sidekick, an enigmatic woman with an unbreakable will. Armed with terrible power on both sides, driven by the memory of betrayal and loss, the archnemeses have set a course for revenge—but who will be left alive at the end?
Victor and Eli started out as college roommates—brilliant, arrogant, lonely boys who recognized the same sharpness and ambition in each other. In their senior year, a shared research interest in adrenaline, near-death experiences, and seemingly supernatural events reveals an intriguing possibility: that under the right conditions, someone could develop extraordinary abilities. But when their thesis moves from the academic to the experimental, things go horribly wrong. Ten years later, Victor breaks out of prison, determined to catch up to his old friend (now foe), aided by a young girl whose reserved nature obscures a stunning ability. Meanwhile, Eli is on a mission to eradicate every other super-powered person that he can find—aside from his sidekick, an enigmatic woman with an unbreakable will. Armed with terrible power on both sides, driven by the memory of betrayal and loss, the archnemeses have set a course for revenge—but who will be left alive at the end?
I confess I had been meaning to read this book for a long time but only recently got around to doing it.
I thought the premise for Vicious was very interesting and so I had high expectations for the book. Gladly, I was not disappointed.
I quite enjoyed the characters in this book and have to confess that Victor was my favorite. He’s extremely complex, dark and mysterious. He’s methodical and intelligent and will stop at nothing until he gets what he wants.
Eli is as ambitious and as hard to peg as Victor. As I read I knew exactly which one of these characters I wanted things to work out for but I realize both of these characters are complex and it’s not easy to qualify them as either good or bad. Probably because, at times, they can be both.
I also really enjoyed the secondary characters and thought they all brought something important to the story. Mitch and Sydney, especially, give us a different insight into Victor.
Plotwise, Vicious is extremely well-written and develops at just the right pace. I enjoyed the fact the readers get to understand what happened in the past and made our characters who they are in the present.
All in all, Vicious is one of the best books I have read lately. It is extremely well-written and thought-out and the characters are simply flawlessly fleshed out. The plot is imaginative and had me hooked right from the start.
I would definitely recommend Vicious to all fantasy fans.
This is definitely a must read.
Rating: Must Read (5 Stars).