Friday, October 29, 2010

Blog Hop (02) & Follow (03)

Book Blogger Hop
The Book Blogger Hop is a meme sponsored by Jennifer at Crazy For Books.

This week's question is:
"What is the one bookish thing you would love to have, no matter the cost?"
I would love to be able to  have a personal library in my house. A place where I could organize all of my books.

HI! Welcome to my blog! I am participating in Follow Friday hosted by Parajunkee's View.
Hop on please leave comment, link your blog, and follow, and I will follow you as well. 

"If you have, or would have a daughter, what book would you want your daughter to read?"
I guess I would like her to read books like Little Woman. What I would truly like, though, would be for her to develop an interest in reading in general.


  1. Thanks for stopping by my blog this morning! I'm a new follower of your blog. Have a great weekend!

  2. I like both your answers :) seems everybody wants to have a library - that's a given though :D

    Happy friday!

  3. Hi Carla, thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm a new follower. Have a terrific weekend.

  4. Helloo! Thanks for visiting my blog! I'm here to return the favor:) I own little women but I have yet to read it. If I like it, i too will recommend it to a future daughter. New Follower!
    -Danna from

  5. Hey thanks for stopping by our blog-we are now new followers of yours as well.

    And btw, a library in your home would be the ultimate splurge.

  6. Found you through the Follow. I love your header :) I'm a new follower!
    I agree--I want a library, too!!

  7. Hi there!

    Hopping by from the Blog Hop!

    I'm a new follower!

    Happy Reading! :)

    - Mevurah

  8. Hopping through. I'm a weird girl - I never liked Little Woman as a book. I especially disliked the ending. I did like the movie with Winona Ryder though. Old follower.

  9. Thanks for visiting my blog! I'm a new follower... or at least, I will be, when the 'Follow' button stops taking me to an error page... :-)
    Ellie @ Musings of a Bookshop Girl

  10. Just stopping by! Have a nice weekend.
