Thursday, May 29, 2014

Son of Dragons by Andrea Cooper

Title: Son of Dragons

Author: Andrea R. Cooper

Release date: April 28th, 2014

Genre: Paranormal Romance

Book Description:
In a time of false peace, the dead rise as soldiers for the Warloc’s scheme. For thousands of years he has stood ready for the final battle. Though the witch and her cursed Elvin have destroyed his physical body, now with his protégé, he has honed a new way to wage war.
Shunned by her own people and weary-hearted from centuries of lost loves, Elvin warrior Mirhana scours the land to silence the undead. Her heart has turned as cold as the sword she wields, until a prince seeks her aid.
Never has Prince Landon met a woman like Mirhana. Both beautiful and deadly, she haunts his dreams. The battle at hand becomes more enchanting than fighting to remain true to his unseen betrothed.
When a traitor emerges, new alliances are tested and the only remaining hope is to follow the prophecy and find the ... Son of Dragons.

About the Author:
Andrea R. Cooper writes fantasy, paranormal and historical romance. Her favorite childhood memories revolved around creating vibrant characters for her friends, and then acting out their adventures. Inside her fantasy worlds of darkened forests, dragon-filled glades, and iced islands, nothing was banned. From the ethereal
Elvin to the most maligned Vampires, all were welcome in her fictional realities, a stark contrast to her home, where the magical and mythical was forbidden.
Divorced and disillusioned of love and believing all the love songs and books exaggerated, she put aside her creativity for life. Many years past before characters, from the familiar to the freshly conceived, came to her again, but this time teasing at a new passion, the written word. 
Gradually, her real life hero brought love and magic back into existence. During the time when her characters were getting reacquainted, the love of her life was showing her that true love never gives up and rekindles no matter how many times others attempt to extinguish it. Today, she is happily married with three children.
Andrea believes in the power of change and delighting in each moment. But most fervently, she believes in the magic of love and imagination again.

Official Website:


Review - Falling Into You by L.T. Kelly

Title: Falling Into You by L.T. Kelly
Publication Date: May 15th,, 2014
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Find it at: Goodreads /

Marc Romano disappeared without a trace into the darkness. His lover became overwhelmed with grief in her loss. But her grief takes on a much more murderous form than most, for Teagan Lewis is a vampire.
Now her heartache is driving her further from the woman she once was, and she realises she must snap out of her monstrous habits and discover the way back to her old self. But how?
Ending their trip around Europe, Teagan and her friend Alex head back to New York. Teagan has the full intention of carrying out a dangerous plan here; not just physically dangerous, but emotionally as well.
How will she be able to resist the irresistible? And what of the new rival, Ivan Lenin? He threatens her life and the lives of everyone she loves. The only people who can help her are her sworn enemy and an ancient stranger. Will they assist her?
How will Teagan Lewis face the demons of her past and try to find happiness? Will she stay and fight or will she run from the things she must face in order to finally be at peace? Mistakes will be made. People will die. The time has come..

I have received this book as part of a blog tour in exchange on an honest review.
I found out about these books during this tour and I have to say this is a very interesting and different series. Plus, the cover of the book is very pretty.
Most of all, I liked the characters in this book and the differences between them. I found it easy to like some characters and to want things to work out for them.
Not all the characters in this book are great, though. Some of them are hard to like (as they should be).
Falling Into You is a fast-paced and good story that was able to keep me interested and entertained.
All in all, this is a good and well-written book. If you like paranormal romances, I think you should give this series a try. 

Rating:  Worth Your Time (4 Stars)

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Guest Post by Ashley Jeffers - Blood of the Immortal

Title: Blood Of The Immortal

Author: Ashley Jeffers

Release date: April 25th, 2014

Genre: Paranormal Romance

Book Description:
I had no life…
For the past ten years, I’ve been kept away from the world, treated as a danger to those around me. While the visions I have both confuse and frighten me, I know I’m not the dangerous one in the family. Escape has never been within my reach. When my father dragged me along on an expedition to an ancient temple, I discovered a door hidden in the wall, and everything changed.
He would live forever…
After freeing a vampire from his stone prison, I was swept away to the island belonging to his coven. He swears none of them will harm me, but I can’t be so sure. Zachary is convinced he knew me before he was imprisoned—three hundred years ago. He tries to get me to remember our shared past…while I find myself more concerned with our future.
My blood could end them…

Guest Post

Finding Time
By Ashley Jeffers
The people that know me personally, and know I am responsible for three children under the age of five (my husband works about 12 hours a day), often ask me when I find time to write. The answer is whenever I can.
I’ll find something to occupy my kids, open the laptop, and just write, even if it’s only for five or ten minutes. I always have a notebook with me, usually in the center console of my car, or in my bag. My youngest two tend to fall asleep in the car, so on days they’re fussy and I can’t get them to go down, I’ll take a drive until they’re out, then I park and write. This works better when my oldest is in school, as he doesn’t nap anymore (bummer), and I’m lucky if I get a half hour, but at least it’s a half hour of quiet time to work!
Most of the time, I don’t get to do anything until after I’ve put the kids down to bed, which happens to be just before 9 pm. This is if I’m lucky. They don’t like to go down without a fight. Even then, it’s not distraction-free writing time. The hubs will have the TV on, or want to talk, so in total, I might get another half hour of writing time before I go to sleep around 11.
Now that I’m putting this down on paper, I’m realizing how little time that is. Realistically, I’m lucky if I get 3 hours total of time to write. I’m sure my husband would disagree with that number, as he thinks that’s all I ever do, but if I’m honest with myself, I’m lucky to get that much time.
I happen to be a night owl, so working at night doesn’t bother me. In fact, I think I probably write better stuff at night, when I’m not getting up constantly to break up a fight or feed kids, or pick up some sort of mess they’ve made. I can actually FOCUS then. But if the muse is whispering to me in the middle of the day, I can’t ignore her. Sometimes, much to my husband’s dismay, the laundry or the dishes just have to wait a bit. It’s not like they’re going anywhere (unlike my kids).
The point of this is, no matter how much or little time I have, I just have to write. It’s what I love. Yes, this means it can take me longer than I hope to finish stories, but as long as I JUST WRITE every day, I’ll eventually get them all on paper.

About the Author:
Ashley Jeffers writes Fantasy and Paranormal Romance. She has a Bachelor’s Degree in English from the University of Michigan. A certified night-owl, she spends most her nights writing, as her days are occupied being a full-time mom to three young children. Her debut novel, Blood of the Immortal, is available in paperback and e-book format. Thanks to a combination of ADD and OCD, she has several other projects in the works. She currently lives in Michigan with her husband, three kids, and two dogs.


