Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Teaser Tuesday

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along! Just do the following:

  • Grab your current read
  • Open to a random page
  • Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
  • BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
  • Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers! 

This week I'm reading: 

Bittersweet by Sarah Ockler
"Sometimes life rocks so hard your heart wants to explode just because the sun came up and you got to feel it on your face for one more day. Sometimes you get the bitter end instead."

I scrape my thumbnail over the red streak—no change. “Seriously. You should see what I’m wearing.”
“Mmmm,” he says, his voice going low and smoky. “What are you wearing?”
I know he’s trying to be all cheesy porn star, but the way he’s breathing into the phone sends a squiggly shiver down my back. 
“Um … it’s … I’m … the Hurley’s dress … thing.”
“Kidding, Avery.”

What about you? What are you reading this week? Are you enjoying it?

Monday, January 30, 2012

Team Smackdown

Are you ready for the second Team Smackdown of the day?

  Team Dimitri (Vampire Academy Series) vs Team Zachary (Shade Series)

Dimitri is being defended by Lisa @ The Garden of Books

Team Dimitri - Vampire Academy Series

Dimitri Belikov
  •  24 year-old hot Siberian who is tall, dark and completely sexy.  He is a quiet man of few words, but the ones he speaks are of great importance 
  •  He is 6'7", has dreamy brown eyes, and shoulder length brown hair
  •  Well-respected Dhampir (half vampire) with super human strength who is often referred to as a  god because of his appearance and unparalleled battle skills
  • He is a guardian who works at St Vladimir's Academy where he personally trains Rose, our fierce heroine of the series

What’s not to love about Dimitri Belikov?  Not only is he incredibly good looking, but he can kick some serious ass.  Literally, he is one of the best guardians out there and doesn’t seem scared of anything.  He has a very relaxed demeanor and if he isn’t training Rose or fighting Strigoi, he is reading old Westerns.  How freaking adorable!   Not only is he a skillful and passionate fighter, but he also carries those traits to the bedroom too.  

Drooling yet?  If his description alone isn’t enough to make you swoon, I’ll let his words do the trick:

“Wait until next time,” he warned.  “I’ll do things that’ll make you lose control within seconds.”

"'Roza. I did want you. I still do. I wish we could be together... If I let myself love you, I won't throw myself in front of her. I'll throw myself in front of you.'"
Team Zachary - Shade Series

Hi guys! I’m Saleana (@synfulsaleana99) and I’m going to tell you all about the swoon-worthy Scotsman Zachary Moore.

First some basic stuff:
Name: Zachary Moore
From: Glasgow, Scotland. Moved to Baltimore, Maryland since his father had business in the U.S.A.
Age: 18 (YAAASSSS! He’s legal now!!!)
Hair: Dark Brown
Eyes: Green
Species: Human

What mo(o)re could you ask for? Zach is bold, strong, and competitive. When he wants something he goes after it with his whole heart and will then fight to hold onto it. Of course he has his stubborn male moments and fits of jealousy, but he makes up for them with moments that will make your heart melt into a puddle of plaid colored goo. For the most part Zach is extremely patient, almost to the point where it's infuriating. He's also somewhat of a science geek and would love taking his girl out to see the stars after dinner. He can be extremely confident which, in his case, is sexy. (Did I mention he will possess your heart?)

Zach stands at 5 foot 11 with dark hair and, occasionally, a kilt. If his Scottish accent doesn't get your heart thumping than his pure brilliant green eyes will. He was born a minute before the shift so he doesn't see ghosts, but that doesn't mean he can't totally kick-butt. His determination and intelligence makes up for his lack of ghost seeing “super-powers.” (I mentioned he plays soccer right? Go ahead, picture that for a minute, shirtless Zach running up and down a field. I’ll give you a minute to daydream.)

Oh and Zach is also proven to be the best fictional boyfriend, or so everyone says on a poll on facebook (Proof: https://www.facebook.com/questions/10150479749571364/)

Zachary threaded his arm through mine and leaned close. "I think it would be nice if you'd let yourself be naughty.
"No, it's pure confidence. It's not 'I want' or 'I need', none of that crap." He slipped his hand over mine. "It's 'I will.'"
A nervous laugh bubbled up. "You will, huh?"
His fingers brushed my cheek, then slid into my hair. "I will."
Somehow, in the darkness, his lips found mind. (See, I told ya!)

 He grunted without looking up. "I miss the packaged biscuits from home. No one makes junk food like the Brits."
"Better than my grandmom's cookies?"
"Does your grandmother make dark chocolate Hob Nobs? No. So yes, better." (And ONLY the dark chocolate ones for Zach)

He knelt and slowly ran his hand down my arm, his lids heavy and his lips parted. "Aura...where can I touch you?"
His hand left my arm and drifted to the rise of my hip bone. "And where can I kiss you?"
I took a deep breath, long past ready for the future. "Everywhere."

"And then what?"
The tips of his fingers pressed against mine, firm and smooth. "And then...and only then...will you know how much I love you."

"Then go all the way with me."
"What? Wait-"
"Under the water." The corner of his mouth twitched ip. "What did you think I meant?" (What a comedian…)

“This wasn’t how I imagined our first time, on the lam from federal agents and assaulted by a thousand mosquitoes.”

And in the spirit of Zogan (since Zach and Logan are best mates and neither would be anything without the other <3 )

"Zachary's in the dining room."
"And he's a pre-Shifter, so he can't hear me call him a dickwad, right?"
"Logan, sit down and shut up."

"You know you can trust me," Zachary said.
Logan winced and covered his ears. "Could he not talk? It hurts my soul."

"Mr. Red," Logan murmured.
Zachary stiffened. "What did he call me?"
"Ow!" Logan covered his ears. "Tell him to shut up!"

Make sure you follow Zach on twitter:  @moore_zachary www.twitter.com/moore_zachary
Follow Logan too! @keeley_logan www.twitter.com/keeley_logan
Check out their tumblr too!: www.shadeboys.tumblr.com
Don’t forget about the amazing Woman Upstairs: @jsmithready

Now that you've read a little bit about each of the guys in today's Team Smackdown is time to vote for your favorite!  The Team that wins today will face another Team in the third round.

Which Team are you on?
Team Dimitri Team Zachary   
pollcode.com free polls 

Team Smackdown

Hello! Round 2 of the Team Smackdown starts now!

There will be two smackdowns going on today (in differente posts) so be sure to vote in both!

The first Smackdown is:

Team Edward (Twilight) vs Team Ky (Matched)

Edward is being defended by Kristin @ Better Read Than Dead

Team Edward – The Twilight Saga

Name – Edward Anthony Mason Cullen
Species - Vampire
Birthday – June 20, 1901
Birth Place – Chicago, Illinois
Year Turned – 1918
Turned by – Carlisle Cullen

Physical Stats
Height – 6’2
Build – Slender, yet muscular
Hair – Bronze and untidy
Eyes – Topaz (when well fed), Black (when hungry)
“…devastatingly, inhumanly beautiful.”

Edward, ah Edward…how I do love thee,

Beautiful, mysterious, dangerous…yet obscenely loyal to those you love. Strong, fast, and fiercely protective…you fight for what you believe, even when it means leaving the one you love…if it means they will be safe. Old-schooled, mostly well-behaved, and virtuous…you always try to do the right thing, even when you would love to do it all wrong.

You were my choice from the very first page of Twilight. Okay…maybe not the first page because, well…I hadn’t met you yet, so from page 18 on.

Selfish…I don’t even think so. On many occasions, you referred to yourself as “an essentially selfish being” but I found that to be completely untrue. To put yourself through the pain you did to even be close to Bella was, masochistic – yes, but completely unselfish. Your conquest to keep her safe, even from herself, was well beyond any self-centered tendencies. Any selfish creature would have turned her immediately to ensure her immortality and invincibility. Your attempt to leave her – maybe not the brightest idea – to keep her safe from your own family could hardly be described as self-indulgent. Heck…you even offered to let her “keep” Jacob if it would make her happy…selfish – no; stupid – maybe?

Stalkerish…maybe a tad bit, but I find it extremely romantic. I could only dream of the pure ecstasy of someone not only wanting to watch me sleep, but constantly telling me how completely “unordinary” I am. And…if I am ever in danger, it’s you I want to save me. Your quick reflexes, unparalleled strength, and protective instincts would assure I was never hurt.

Romantic…how do I count the ways? You assured that Bella had a complete human life before you changed her…prom, wedding, and then sex. You weren’t the typical boy looking to get into her pants…you were patient and loving…always attentive to her needs. Smoldering kisses, hot make-out sessions, and sincere words make you impossibly idyllic. The jealousy you felt about Mike and Jacob made you human.

For these reasons and so many others…I am unquestionably on your side – now and always.


Unforgettable Quotes:

“I told you – you don’t see yourself clearly at all. You’re not like anyone I’ve ever known. You fascinate me.” Edward to Bella – Page 245 Twilight

He was too perfect, I realized with a piercing stab of despair. There was no way this godlike creature could be meant for me. – Bella thinking about Edward – Page 256 Twilight

“Bella, I couldn’t live with myself if I ever hurt you. You don’t know how it’s tortured me…The thought of you, still, white, cold…to never see you blush scarlet again, to never see that flash of intuition in your eyes when you see through my pretenses…it would be unendurable…You are the most important thing to me now. The most important thing to me ever.” Edward to Bella – Page 273 Twilight

“Isabella Swan?...I promise to love you forever – every single day of forever. Will you marry me?” Edward to Bella – Page 460 Eclipse

“Then I suppose you don’t realize how utterly, heart-breakingly beautiful you are tonight.” Edward to Bella – Page 56 Breaking Dawn

“It would be hard to find someone less sad than I am now. Impossible, I’d venture. Not many people get every single thing they want, plus the things they didn’t thing to ask for, in the same day.” Edward to Bella – Page 483 Breaking Dawn

Team Ky - Matched Series by Ally Condie

Name - Ky Markham
Looks - Dark hair, blue eyes

"Ky moved to Mapletree Borough with Society approval when he was 10 years old after his mother and father were killed. Due to an unknown infraction that his father committed, he was given aberration status. His artifact is a gold compass, which only his parents knew about. The compass was the only artifact that Aida and his mother's parents owned and was passed along to them. Aida then gifted it to Ky.
Since leaving the Outer Provinces, he has learned to blend in and not draw notice to himself. His favorite smell is sage." 


I don’t care about the artifact. I couldn’t sleep all night, worrying that I’d gotten you in trouble. I care about you.

“Cassia. I know which life is my real one now, no matter what happens. It’s the one with you. For some reason, knowing that even one person knows my story makes things different. Maybe it’s like the poem says. Maybe this is my way of not going gentle. I love you."

Because in the end you can’t always choose what to keep. You can only choose how you let it go.” 


Now that you've read a little bit about each of the guys in today's Team Smackdown is time to vote for your favorite!  The Team that wins today will face another Team in the third round.

Which Team are you on?
Team Edward Team Ky   
pollcode.com free polls 

Here's a giveaway for you:

  • One winner gets a 5USD coupon to spend on Protego. Here's an example of what you can get:

    Sunday, January 29, 2012

    Team Smackdown


    Thank you for voting for another Team Smackdown.

    The winner of the Team Smackdown - Team Cam vs Team Daniel  from Fallen Series is:

    Team Cam!

    The winner of the Team Smackdown - Team Xander vs Team Ky from Matched Series is:
     Team Ky

    Round 2 will begin tomorrow!

    Now, when it comes to the giveaway. The winner of a bookmark from Katndrewcards is Lara P. Congrats!

    Thursday, January 26, 2012

    Link Your Reviews

    We all want to promote our reviews, don't we? This is a way of letting other people know about them. Just leave a link to your review below.

    Go visit the other reviews and let people know what you think about them!

    This will is weekly feature posted on Thursdays. :)

    (Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

    Review - Guardian's Wild Child by Feather Stone

    Title and Author: The Guardian's Wild Child by Feather Stone
    Publisher: Omnific Publishing
    Publication Date: Septemeber 27th, 2011
    Paperback/Hardcover: 277
    Genre: Young Adult, Paranormal

    Caught in a reckless attempt to stop Dark forces, Sidney Davenport, a young, rule breaking, spirited member of the secret paranormal community of Guardians, finds herself imprisoned on a naval ship and slated for execution. Her struggle with the unfamiliar emotions of fear and anger becomes even more complicated when she can no longer fight her attraction to the very man who has orders to perform her execution.
    Captain Sam Waterhouse, a meticulous naval captain who’s suspected of treason, teeters on a precipice between Darkness and Light. When he receives an unusual prisoner, a paranormal journey begins to unravel his disciplined life. All the while, humanity is unknowingly at great risk when two Dark forces team up to acquire control of an elusive power. Sidney and Sam attempt to quiet their powerful feelings for each other, only to discover they can save each other, and in doing so, they might even save the world.

    I received this book from the author in exchange of an honest review.
    Sidney Davenport is captured aboard a naval ship and is put under the guard of Captain Sam Waterhouse. Her past is a big mystery as well as the reason she is on the ship and her mission, which frustrates Sam who is in charge of her interrogation.
    As strange things start to happen in the ship some of Sidney’s powers are revealed. She’s part of a secret community of guardians who have several abilities and is obvious Sam doesn’t trust her…
    Sidney is definitely one strong and though heroine. She has special abilities and is able to keep her strength even in the most difficult moments.
    Sam is though too and even though it took me a while to warm up to him, I ended up really liking him and realizing he could be quite compassionate.
    Both characters change a lot during the book, especially when they are hit by several epiphanies. I really liked the evolution of their relationship and thought the romantic moments between them were very sweet and cute.
    I enjoyed reading about how Sam tried to keep his distance from his prisoner while Sidney tried to fight and deny her feelings for the man who was keeping her captured.
    All in all, this book is well-written and fast paced. It’s interesting reading about characters that fight to bring back the most important and beautiful part of being human.
    I think any YA and paranormal fan will be able to enjoy this book.

    Rating: Worth Your Time  (4 Stars)

    Wednesday, January 25, 2012

    Review - The Fault In Our Stars by John Green

    Title and Author: The Fault In Our Stars by John Green
    Publisher: Dutton Juvenile
    Publication Date: January 10th, 2012
    Paperback/Hardcover: 318
    Genre: Young Adult 

    Diagnosed with Stage IV thyroid cancer at 12, Hazel was prepared to die until, at 14, a medical miracle shrunk the tumours in her lungs... for now.
    Two years post-miracle, sixteen-year-old Hazel is post-everything else, too; post-high school, post-friends and post-normalcy. And even though she could live for a long time (whatever that means), Hazel lives tethered to an oxygen tank, the tumours tenuously kept at bay with a constant chemical assault.
    Enter Augustus Waters. A match made at cancer kid support group, Augustus is gorgeous, in remission, and shockingly to her, interested in Hazel. Being with Augustus is both an unexpected destination and a long-needed journey, pushing Hazel to re-examine how sickness and health, life and death, will define her and the legacy that everyone leaves behind

    I can’t start this review without saying that The Fault In Our Stars is definitely a tear-jerker. An amazing and brilliant tear-jerker.
    This book tugs at your heart in the best way possible. I knew I would like it but I underestimated just how much it would get to me by being so brutally honest and touching.
    Hazel Lancaster is a cancer survivor who need an oxygen tank to keep her lungs functioning. She’s a bit of a loner but when she meets Augustus Waters during one of her weekly support group meetings they can’t help but to bond over books and the issues they have to deal with. Even though Hazel never believed love was for her, Augustus might just prove her wrong…
    Hazel was such a good main character! She’s strong and honest and even though she had gone through a lot she is always able to keep her sense of humor and she’s always ready to enjoy the good things in her life. She often worries about hurting the ones closer to her when she dies and even tries to keep Augustus away because of that. She’s not perfect, though. She has flaws like everybody and her feelings and emotions are complicated.
    Augustus is the type of character that you can’t help but to immediately like. He was able to win me over the moment he appeared in the story. He’s definitely a complex young man. He’s funny, intelligent and sweet and incredibly likeable.
    The relationship between Hazel and Augustus developed quickly, which definitely works in this book. They were definitely meant to be together and their story is full of emotional and sweet moments.
    I definitely loved this book. It is very well-written and there’s a perfect balance between funny and witty moments and those incredibly sad ones.
    As I’m sure you can tell I feel in love with the characters in this book and their stories. I couldn’t have enjoyed this book more and I’m sure any Young Adult fan will too.

    Rating: Must Read (5 Stars)

    Tuesday, January 24, 2012

    Teaser Tuesday

    Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along! Just do the following:

    • Grab your current read
    • Open to a random page
    • Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
    • BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
    • Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers! 

    This week I'm reading: 

    Try Not To Breathe - Jennifer Hubbard

    "Her eyes flicked back to my face. I felt the question sitting on her tongue. If I tapped her on the back, it would probably pop right out. I ran my fingers over the smooth top of the bar and met her stare, daring her to ask me. And I wasn’t sure why I was daring her, except that the way she’d wormed herself into my house made me curious about how far she would go. From what I’d seen, if anyone had the guts to ask me to my face, this girl would."

    “I took a step back. If he was going to sit here all morning, I could hit the trails instead. I was hungry to be alone. When I was around other people, I always expected the next thing out of their mouths to cut me."

    What about you? What are you reading this week? Are you enjoying it?

    Monday, January 23, 2012

    Team Smackdown

    So, today there will be two Team Smackdowns going on so Round 2 can begin next week! Don't forget to vote in both smackdowns!

    The first Smackdown is:

    Team Daniel vs Team Cam  (Fallen Series)

    Team Daniel - Fallen Series by Lauren Kate

    Name - Daniel Grigori
    Falen Angel
    Looks - Tall, blonde hair an gray-violet eyes.

    "Daniel is a fallen angel - a heavenly being who chose to side with neither God nor Satan at the beginning of time - and Luce’s main romantic interest. He is described as a handsome blond, with gray-violet eyes. He saves Luce from a falling statue of an angel in the cemetery adjoining the school. He feigns disinterest in Luce, trying to ignore her for her own "safety", but is drawn to her nonetheless."


    “All that is good in Heaven and on Earth is born of love. This war is not just. This war is not good. Love is the only thing worth fighting for.”

    “I will always catch you when you fall” 

    “Will you tell me again?" he asked, almost shyly. "Will you tell me what I am?" 
    "You're an angel," she repeated slowly, surprised to see Daniel close his eyes and moan in pleasure, almost as if they were kissing. "I'm in love with an angel.” 


    Team Cam - Fallen Series by Lauren Kate

    Name - Cam Briel
    Fallen Angel
    Looks - Pale, black hair and green eyes
    "Cam is the antagonist of the story and Luce’s other romantic interest. He is also a fallen angel. Cam is tall, has a pale complexion, and has black hair and green eyes. He has a tattoo of a sunburst on the back of his neck. He continuously tries to charm Luce, going to great lengths to capture her attention on numerous occasions. He is antagonistic towards Daniel and Arriane throughout the novel."


    “You don't really know either of us," Cam said, standing and stepping away, "but you're prepared to choose right now, huh?” 

    "Cam’s wings were so bright they were almost blinding as they pulsed.
    “Holy Hell,” Callie whispered, blinking.
    “More or less,” Arriane said."

     “It was like the more deranged she felt inside, the more available Cam became. What if it was enough just to stand here in the arms of someone who cared about her, to let his simple affection steady her for a little while?”


    Now that you've read a little bit about each of the guys in today's Team Smackdown is time to vote for your favorite!  The Team that wins today will face another Team in a future round.

    Which Team are you on?
    Team Daniel Team Cam   
    pollcode.com free polls 

    Team Xander vs Team Ky  (Matched Series)

    Team Xander - Matched Series by Ally Condie

    Name - Xander Carrow
    Looks - Blue eyes, blonde hair

    "Xander Thomas Carrow lives in the Mapletree Borough with his mother, father and older brother. Xander lives on the same street as his best friend Cassia Reyes, and attends second school. He is very smart and learns quickly. His favorites include swimming and games of skill or group games. While Cassia thought his favorite color was green, it is actually blue. His predicted occupation is Official."


    "You look beautiful"

     “Are you nervous?” In the seat next to him, Xander’s older brother begins to tell my mother the story of his Match Banquet. It won’t be long now until Xander and I have our own stories to tell.
    “No,” I say. But Xander’s my best friend. He knows me too well.
    “You lie,” he says, teasing. “You are nervous.”
    “Aren’t you?”
    “Not me. I’m ready.” He says it without hesitation, and I believe him. Xander is the kind of person who is sure about what he wants.
    “It doesn’t matter if you’re nervous, Cassia,” he says gently. “Almost ninety-three percent of those attending their Match Banquet exhibit some signs of nervousness.”
    I have to laugh. “Did you memorize all of the official Matching material?”
    “Almost,” Xander says, grinning. He holds his hands out as if to say, What did you expect?


    Team Ky - Matched Series by Ally Condie

    Name - Ky Markham
    Looks - Dark hair, blue eyes

    "Ky moved to Mapletree Borough with Society approval when he was 10 years old after his mother and father were killed. Due to an unknown infraction that his father committed, he was given aberration status. His artifact is a gold compass, which only his parents knew about. The compass was the only artifact that Aida and his mother's parents owned and was passed along to them. Aida then gifted it to Ky.
    Since leaving the Outer Provinces, he has learned to blend in and not draw notice to himself. His favorite smell is sage." 


    I don’t care about the artifact. I couldn’t sleep all night, worrying that I’d gotten you in trouble. I care about you.

    “Cassia. I know which life is my real one now, no matter what happens. It’s the one with you. For some reason, knowing that even one person knows my story makes things different. Maybe it’s like the poem says. Maybe this is my way of not going gentle. I love you."

    Because in the end you can’t always choose what to keep. You can only choose how you let it go.” 


     Now that you've read a little bit about each of the guys in today's Team Smackdown is time to vote for your favorite!  The Team that wins today will face another Team in a future round.

    Which Team are you on?
    Team Xander Team Ky   
    pollcode.com free polls 

    I have a giveaway for you:

    • One winner will win their choice of a customized bookmark from Katndrewcards. Here's an example. Go and check this store out!

    It's Monday, What are you Reading?

    This weekly meme is hosted by Sheila at One Person's Journey Through a World of Books.
    Read this past week:
    Cloclwork Prince - Cassandra Clare
    A Million Suns - Beth Revis
    Currently Reading:

    Fated - Sarah Alderson

    What about you? What are you reading this week and are you enjoying it?

    Sunday, January 22, 2012

    Team Smackdown


    Thank you for voting for another Team Smackdown.

    The winner of the Team Smackdown - Team Peeta vs Team Gale  from The Hunger Game Series by Suzanne Collins is:

    Team Peeta!

    Team Ash will face off another Team in the future! Thank you to everyone who participated and voted! :)
    I'll post another two smackdowns tomorrow.

    Now, when it comes to the giveaway. The winner of a bookmark from BookmarkWhimsy is Joni Thomas. Congrats!

    Author Weekend Giveaway Winners

    The Author Weekend Giveaway Winner is:

    Thursday, January 19, 2012

    Link Your Reviews

    We all want to promote our reviews, don't we? This is a way of letting other people know about them. Just leave a link to your review below.

    Go visit the other reviews and let people know what you think about them!

    This will is weekly feature posted on Thursdays. :) 

    (Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)