Guest Post - Character Inspiration by Tina Martin
Deception – Character Inspiration
I love creating characters
when I write. And my process is quite simple. My male character, the hero, has
to be very strong with striking good looks. Who doesn’t like a knight in
shining armor? My inspiration for character, Carter Williams came from several
factors. For one, in my head, I envisioned that he would look like one of my
favorite actors, Daniel Sunjata. His skin tone, his eyes, his persona is just
what I had in mind for Carter Williams. Second, I used to work in Uptown
Charlotte. I’ve seen firsthand how business professionals hurry to their
buildings. Life is so fast paced and it seems that we forget about the little
things, about fellow humans, even if they’ve fallen on hard times. Carter
represents these professionals in my novel. Thirdly, I wanted Carter’s attitude
to be very straightforward with a touch of arrogance. He’s confident and successful
and he knows it. Still, through his own personal tragedies, he can relate to a
homeless woman, character Shayla Kline, that he finds on the sidewalk.
About the
Deception is a story about love versus
loyalty, the tug-of-war that dictates every action Carter Williams will take
after he stumbles upon a homeless woman, Shayla Kline, in Uptown Charlotte.
Completely out of character for the usually self-centered bachelor, he puts his
life on hold to spend a few nights with the stranger in the hospital.
That’s when he makes an earth
shattering discovery – Shayla was the fiancée of Jacob, his estranged brother.
His brother who hated him. His brother who recently committed suicide. His
brother who, despite the animosity between them, wrote him a suicide note
asking him to take care of Shayla.
Out of guilt and fulfillment
of his brother’s final wish, Carter takes Shayla into his home, with every
intention on helping her get back on her feet. But he makes an already
complicated situation even messier when he begins to fall in love with her,
desperately wanting to be a man for her, to give her everything his brother
could not.
His morals tell him to be
loyal to his brother, but his heart urges him to love his brother’s woman. The
two opposite forces battle it out within him, creating an internal showdown
that even he can’t referee. He knows what he should do, but it’s hard to walk
away from the only woman that has ever been this close to his heart.
About the
Tina Martin is a fiction
author from eastern North Carolina. A recipient of the Outstanding Achievement
in Poetry Award from the Famous Poets Society, she now uses her creativity to
pen novels which include Secrets On Lake Drive, Another Man's Treasure, The
Baby Daddy Interviews and Accidental Deception. She is also the
author of two short stories - Vacation Interrupted and The Crush
and one poetry book, Love Like Yours. Tina resides in Charlotte, North
Carolina with her family. Read more about Tina and read excerpts of her novels
at her website: