As you probably already know this weekend's posts are dedicated to Jennifer Laurens.

Jennifer was kind enough to answer a few of my questions. I hope you like this interview and if you haven't already, you should go read Jennifer's books! I'm sure you'll like them.
I'll be hosting a giveaway for one of her books this weekend so stay tuned!
1 -Tell us a little about yourself?
JL: I’m addicted to writing, drinking Rockstars and traveling with my family ( 6 kids and a fabulous husband )
2 - Have you always wanted to be a writer? If not, when did you first realize you wanted to be a writer?
JL: I’ve written since I was in Jr. High school – started by writing plays. Now, I write YA books and love the fit. I’ve also written Women’s Romance.
3 - What inspired you to write the Heavenly series?
JL: Heavenly is really the story of my family learning to live and deal with the issues of autism and teenage substance abuse. It’s a very real, personal series because most of what happens in the book has happened in our family.
4 - Did your own experiences help you in the writing process for any of your books?
JL: I write from experience or the experiences of my family members. There are bits and pieces of me in all of my work. As well as huge chunks like: I have a daughter who has autism, I have a son who has a drug addiction. One of my daughters partied and had alcohol issues. ( Heavenly ) One of my daughter’s high school experiences in Romeo and Juliet is chronicled in Falling for Romeo. The list goes on.
5 - Some of your books deal with issues like drinking and drug use. Do you feel strongly about those issues?
JL: Very. My son ( Luke ) still struggles. It’s hard on everyone to see someone you love choose to participate in activities that will harm their spirit, their health and their relationships.
6 - Is there anything you find particularly challenging in your writing?
JL: Finding the time to write AND do everything else I do is a challenge these days. We have 12 people living in our house at the moment, and quiet time is impossible to find.
7 - Which of the characters would you most like to invite to dinner? Why?
JL: Well, everyone in Heavenly already lives here. ( haha ) So, I’d like to have Matthias as a permanent resident. I could use his help!
8 - Are you currently working on a new book?
JL: Yes – a YA paranormalish story that brings two people from different time periods together.
9 - Is there anything specific that you want to say to your readers or that you would like them to know?
JL: That I appreciate the support and sharing of my books with your reader friends. As any indie artist knows, word of mouth is the best way to get favorite music, movies and books into the hands of those who appreciate and love to enjoy it! Thank you for helping me!
You can find Jennifer Laurens at:
Thank you so much for the interview! :)
Thank you very much for this great interview. I never heard of her books, but sound great!
ReplyDeleteWhat a great interview Thank you so much for sharing! I Love her books very much!
ReplyDeleteI've got Heavenly in my TBR pile and am looking forward to reading it. As a psych student, I find autism very fascinating.
ReplyDeleteI've heard such wonderful reviews for her novels. I really need to check them out!
ReplyDeleteI love the interview! I've read Heavenly by Jennifer and I fell in love! She's a fantastic writer! :)
ReplyDeleteI didn't know that her book connects to her on a personal level. Writing something that really happens on personal usually has a lot of depth. Nice interview.
ReplyDeleteI have read only overprotected so far. I love the stories of her books and her new story, two people from different time periods together, sounds great!
ReplyDeleteAwesome interview! :D