Saturday, August 27, 2011

Cover Smackdown - Flowers Results

Hello! Hello
Are you curious to find out which covers won this cover smackdown?

According to your votes, your five favorite covers with flowers are:
(Click on the image to go to goodreads) 

5 - Bloodline by Mellisa de La Cruz

I really like this cover. The flower, the girl... It all fits very well together!
Great cover!

4 - Rival by Sara Bennett Wealer

I really like this cover as well. 
The flower is very pretty and I really like the colors. I haven't read this book but it seems interesting.

3 - Darkest Mercy by Melissa Marr

Another great book cover, right?
Again, I think the flower in this cover is extremely pretty and the color is great! :)

2 - Wicked Lovely by Melissa Marr

I feel like I'm repeting myself today but, again, this cover is lovely.
I think this cover is very different and extremely pretty as well. :)

1 - New Moon by Stephenie Meyer

Some people like the Twilight series, others don't but I think we have to agree that the covers are pretty. 
I really like this one. I like the flower and I like the meaning. :)

What do you think? Do you like these covers?


  1. That's a great selection of covers, it is hard to pick just one but I think the Bloodlines one catches my eye the most.

    Suzanne @ Under the Covers

  2. WOW, none of the ones I voted for ended up in the top five, but I do like Blood line and Rival.
